Elisa Camahort Page - COO and Co-Founder of BlogHer.com
Date / Time: 3/1/2010 12:00 PM
BlogHer began as a labor of love in February 2005, when founders Lisa Stone, Elisa Camahort Page and Jory Des Jardins launched a conference for women who blog. She is a co-founder of BlogHer and manages its events, marketing and corporate operations. After 13 years of marketing in Silicon Valley, she left high tech product management in 2003 to go online and join the social media world. She was one of the earliest professional and business bloggers and currently write or contribute to eight blogs. She blogs at various times about marketing, health issues, green and eco-conscious living, being a vegan, and reality TV talent shows like American Idol and Project Runway! She has a monthly column for the Silicon Valley Metro called Silicon Veggie. Today BlogHer is the leading participatory news, entertainment and information network for women online, reaching more than 15 million women each month via annual conferences, a Web hub ( http://www.blogher.com ), and an publishing network of more than 2,500 qualified, contextually targeted blog affiliates ( http://blogherads.com ). BlogHer Inc. is run by its three co-founders and has backing from Venrock, the Peacock Fund and Azure Capital Partners.
Listen to the live interview with Elisa Camahort Page, COO and Co-founder of the BlogHer Network, Monday, 3/1/2010 at 11am PST/ 2pm PST.
JOIN THE LIVE CONVERSATION! Call-in Number: (917) 889-8137 Don't worry if you're overseas- try out Skype (I'm surprised SocialMediopolis doesn't have a Skype account).